
written by wrensghost, art by Banzz
territories in bold indicate claimed locations.

Edibles: Pheasants, Deer, Tough Roots, Fish, Rabbit, Large Birds.
Primary Activity: Scavenging (+1)
Difficulty: Moderate. (100 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 1.)
Other: Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 100 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 200 Attack or Defense.
As vibrant as life exists now in the Overlook, dark history plagues the land. With the growing city of Kikoi as their rallying point, Dourin sought for the ultimate overtake - to enslave the newly venturing Vespers, and many others through magic and brutal force. Dourin made attempts to take over much of Attica, using enslaved Vespers in battle and as beasts of burden when building their cities, and all came to a peak in The Battle for Breath across what is now known as The Overlook. Factions rose, and clashed with those who reached for power over all. The Gods themselves were said to bless warriors seeking their freedom, while others sent in minions and whispers to further drive the chaos.
At the peak, an enormous storm turned the fields to mud, and the land itself cracked apart. A ravine, carved by the tears of Somnis Herself, split the ground. Many tumbled into the raging river below, and fires lit from lightning burned the camps of Dourin to the ground. More were slaughtered, until Dourin themselves were nearly wiped from Attica. Vesper, so innocent prior this event, held a rightful grudge for all Dourin in their hearts for many years, and still today many clash here and there.
While reminders of the Battle still exist across The Overlook, the land has largely been reclaimed by great beasts. Enormous creatures with no concern for others roam the land and raise their young, and nomadic villages hunt - some Dourin and Vesper alongside, a testament to healing and time. To the Western edge is the city of Kikoi, populated largely by Dourin who at times demonstrate not all have realized the error of their ways. Still, they're learning.

Memoriam Stone: A somber reminder of the lives lost on the plains, many visit here to leave offerings and apologies to those long gone. Resting at the rough middle of the plains themselves, the stone is marked with the names of many - and more are added here and there, even after so much time. Who carves these names and why is truly unknown, but it is rumored a mournful god remembers all who fall in the search for freedom, and chooses to inscribe their names here.
Kikoi City: Based largely in technology and magics, citizens of Kikoi are known for some of the most complex arcane arts in Attica. Home to one of the most successful Universities on the continent, Kikoi is rapidly attempting to remove their reputation of hatred and cruelty to one of knowledge and learning. Perhaps the most technologically advanced city on the planet. Due to the outright refusal of the Vesper community to be used as burden beasts - even under pay - most labors are completed by machines.
Spirit Steps: Residue of the strange event that split the ground, the ravine and river are broken up by stone steps and rocky platforms. Said to be haunted, travelers mention now and again of seeing a strange, shining Vesper on the river's edge. Still, it's a popular area, and the only real place to cross the river.
The Dry Lands: Although the Stone stands directly in the center of the Overlook, the battle field itself lies much closer to the city of Kikoi. The grass is yellowed and dying, and the dirt dry and cracked. There are no graves for those that passed here, but many have left markings here and there. It isn't uncommon with a harsh rain for bones to be uncovered, and while most bury them back into the earth, the black market exists for a reason.
Trek of Beasts: A stomping ground for some of Attica's largest creatures, and a hunting ground for those who dare. Small villages dot the landscape, and it isn't uncommon to see a campfire burning ahead. It is unwise to travel alone, for monsters of all sorts prey upon the weak, and bandits lurk at every corner.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
Although the city of Kikoi is improving in its treatment of Vespers, some Dourin are opposed to this change. A small band of Dourin has been patrolling The Overlook and abducting the Vespers they can catch, dragging them into a cruel fighting ring. Word has spread among Vespers that they're going out on another trip tonight. There are two things you could do—during the Dourin patrol, you could sneak into their base and free the enslaved Vespers, or launch an attack on the Dourin themselves.
Depict your Vesper either attacking the Dourin patrol or attempting to free any enslaved Vespers inside Kikoi. Your path may affect the outcome of your quest, and each quest may only be completed once per Vesper, so choose wisely. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
Once you have completed this Region Quest, please visit the Quest Board and reply to this comment.


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