
Welcome to Vesper-End! Join us on an exciting adventure through the world of Attica, where you'll be able to make new friends, battle monsters, save lives, or even cause some chaos. It's all up to you! We have an extremely friendly community full of wonderful people who are constantly collaborating on projects and characters. World-building, character development, and thrilling story based gameplay make Vesper-End unique. Attica is constantly changing, and with monthly events and prompts you'll never run out of things to do!
This guide is here to help you get started! We'll hold your hand and walk you through every beginning step, from getting your first Vesper to playing the game!

Step 1: Getting Your First Vesper
To play the game you're going to need to own a Vesper. Vespers are lanky canines that can talk, use magic, and are completely sentient. To learn more about the species, click here! You use your Vesper as a character when playing in Vesper-End, so every member is required to have one in order to participate.
To get your first Vesper, you can visit the Adoption Center.
The Adoption Center is where you can pick out your first Vesper. Follow the instructions provided on that page to adopt any of the available Vespers. When adopting, you can pick any of the available Vespers listed on the 'Adoptable Vespers' spreadsheet. Here is an example of what you might see on the spreadsheet:
In the above example, there is one already adopted Vesper (#1) that is no longer available. The other three (#2, #3, and #4) are all available for you to choose from!
Once you have picked a Vesper, and have asked to adopt it, you will be given what is called a 'Geno' or 'Genotype.
The above is an example of a Geno.
Coat Type is the kind of base your Vesper has. The default Coat Type is Smooth.
Sex is where you see if they are Male or Female.
Appearance is where your Vesper's genes are listed. Markings and your Vesper's coat color appear here.
Abnormalities are unique tails, horns, and other traits are listed here.

Step 2: Designing Your Vesper
Designing your Vesper doesn't have to be a struggle!
Option 1: Ask somebody to help you design your Vesper by clicking HERE!
Option 2: Commission somebody to design your Vesper.
Option 3: Design your own Vesper.
We will be covering Option 3, the other options are self explanatory!
First you will need your Vesper's Geno. Remember what we covered in the first section of this tutorial? Your Vesper's Geno (Genotype) is a set of it's listed traits, which should look similar (but different) to the following:
Now that you own a Vesper, you need to use it's Geno to understand how to design it! We have one main masterlist for all your designing needs.
The Design Masterlist has every trait, gene, and coat type you can imagine. You will need to go to the Design Masterlist and look at the guides for designing every gene. Your first step on that page is to find your Vesper's COAT TYPE. This will lead to a download of a PSD file. Download the correct PSD file and open it in a digital art program such as Photoshop, GIMP, or Medibang Paint.
Your next step is to find your Vesper's coat color. Their coat color is listed in their APPEARANCE at the very end of the sentence. On the above example, the Vesper's coat color is Dusk Blue.
Designing can be complicated when you're new, but we aren't going to go into detail in this guide. Pay attention to the rules listed in design guides. If you have trouble, we advise asking for help from members or staff!

Step 3: Get Your Vesper Approved
So you've finished designing your Vesper, huh? Congratulations!
The above flowchart is a TLDR version of getting a Vesper approved. There are four steps!
Step One: SAVE
1. Save a version of your Vesper as a .PNG.
2. Make sure that the .PNG is saved at full size. Do not resize it!
*Tip: Make sure to have a backup saved as a .PSD. You may need it later!*
Step Two: UPLOAD
1. Go to https://sta.sh/
2. Upload your .PNG in your Sta.sh. This is called your Import.
Step Three: INFO
In your Sta.sh file upload, you have a place that says 'click to add description.' In this area, you will want to paste the following:
Save your Vesper's image as a .PNG image file. Do not resize it! Also, please keep a backup PSD file on your computer at all times!

In the Description of your Sta.sh upload, you need to fill out the import information that is provided.

Once everything looks right on your Sta.sh upload, submit your Vesper to Design Approval!

Name: The true, full name of your Vesper.
Alias: Any nicknames, show names, alternate identities, etc.
Gender: Optional. Your Vesper's gender and pronouns.
ID: Leave Blank.
Owner: Your username.
Credits: Designer of your Vesper, writer credits as needed.
Previous Owners: Leave Blank.
Biography: This area is for information about your character's personality, background, hobbies, sexuality, etc.
Career: None.
Class: None.
Faction: None.
Soulbond: None.
Statistics Do not edit.
Stamina: 100/100
Health: 100/100
â—† Defense: 0 â—† Attack: 0 â—† Luck: 0
â—† Fishing: 0 â—† Hunting: 0 â—† Exploring: 0 â—† Scavenging: 0 â—† Spelunking: 0
â—† Alchemy: Level 1 (0/100 EXP) â—† General Goods: Level 1 (0/100 EXP)
â—† Forging: Level 1 (0/100 EXP) â—† Miscellaneous: Level 1 (0/100 EXP)
Skill Points: 1
None at this time.
None at this time.
None at this time.
None at this time.
Soulbound Items
None at this time.
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Coat Type: Your Vesper's coat type. (Smooth, Maned, Woolen, Sphynx, Bog)
Sex: Your Vesper's biological sex. (Male or Female. Vespers may be Hermaphroditic but for fairness in breeding will be considered Sterile)
Appearance: Your Vesper's genes and coat color. (Should be written as: Gene 1, Gene 2 and Gene Three on Color.)
Abnormalities: Variations to your Vesper's tail or horns. (Should be written as: Horns with Tail.)
Breeding Slots: 0/0
Bloodline: Hyperlinks should display the linked name of each individual ancestor, not the url itself.
â• SSS: Unknown
â• SS: Unknown
â•° SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
â• SDS: Unknown
â•° SD: Unknown
â•° SDD: Unknown
â• DSS: Unknown
â• DS: Unknown
â•° DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
â• DDS: Unknown
â•° DD: Unknown
â•° DDD: Unknown
Now you're going to have to make some edits to this information after you've pasted it into the description.
You can name your Vesper anything, but keep in mind that Vespers are intelligent, cultured creatures - they're unlikely to take on a Show Horse -esque name. Your Vesper's gender doesn't have to adhere to their born sex - Vespers are perfectly capable of identifying anywhere on the gender spectrum.
Leave your ID number blank - this will be added in by Staff later on. Under Owner, list your own name as username so that we can tag and notify you of your Vesper's upload. Credits should list the design over the Vesper, as well as any other credit you deem necessary. (ex. Credits: wrensghost (Designer), werewolfstripclub (Writer).) Previous owner should be left untouched - staff will update this on their own accord when Vesper ownership is transferred.
Biography is where the fun begins - you can include as much or as little information. Traits, backstories, funny quirks, favorite foods, even a Tracker where you keep track of your Vesper's artwork and progress!
Be sure not to edit ANYTHING under your Statistics section - although you can go ahead and delete that little Do Not Edit note so that staff doesn't have to later. The same goes for any small note like that: Keep Blank, Do Not Edit, Hyperlinks should display the linked name of each individual ancestor, not the url itself.
You can leave Inventory alone as well, or simply put 'Empty' - items will be added manually by staff later.
Our Appearance section is where things get tricky! As listed up top, you should fill this out entirely with the information given on your Ownership Proof! Adding extra traits and genes you don't own can get you in a load of trouble, so don't even try it, slick!
Coat Type is fairly simple - right now, Vespers can only be Smooth, Woolen or Maned! Sex is important for Breeding, and should only be listed as Male or Female. Players are welcome to, when claiming their first free geno, to submit a Dual-Sexed Vesper, but the Vesper in question will be listed as [STERILE] under Abnormalities and will not be allowed to breed.
Appearance should be listed as written in the geno. An example would be: Freckling, Sable and Pangare on Rust. The order of the genes doesn't particularly matter, but they should always precede the coat color! Be sure to pay attention to use of Capitalization, Punctuation and Grammar order. Things like Snow Touched and Face Accents don't need to be listed here - so no worries about that!
Abnormalities can be a bit confusing for everyone - this section is for unique mutations on a Vesper, such as their tail type or horns. Modifiers like Albinism are listed here too! (ex. Albinism with Nub Horns and Bobbed Tail.) The only tail type that doesn't need to be listed under Abnormalities is Domestic.
Bloodline can be a bit tricky too! Be sure to list ALL of your Vesper's ancestors - failure to do so will result in the decline of your design, and you'll have to head over to Corrections. Don't forget to include the import number as well if their parents are uploaded!
Make sure to remove any of the prewritten italicized text.
Step Four: SUBMIT
Now that you have everything filled out, you're ready to Submit your Vesper for approval! This is the easiest step and is fairly straightforward. Follow the instructions on the page!
Step Five: PARTY
You will have to wait for your Vesper to get accepted and uploaded by staff. The design may be rejected, which is not a big deal. If this is the case, you'll just have to edit your design according to the information provided and resubmit!
When your Vesper is approved and uploaded, you're ready to play the game!