
Vesper-End members are also agreeing to abide by deviantArt's rules and regulations. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the group.
Vesper-End has a rating of Mature and may contain mentions of violence, gore and language.
Vesper-end does not permit sexual content in any form.
Original Concept Art for Vesper Hounds created by NorthernRed.
Vespers are a closed original species belonging to wrensghost. Unless you have previously obtained a geno via official sale, event, trade or gift within the group you may not create a Vesper.
All official Vespers uploaded for Design Approval require a valid permission. This permission must be provided via a direct link to a comment, not by listing a screencap.
Players are welcome to treat their owned Vespers as personal OCs and use them within their own stories and universes. However, players may not claim Vespers as their own species or claim themselves as creator of the species, and may not sell improperly earned Vespers as adoptables.
Players of Vesper-End are permitted to sell, trade and gift any character or item they receive from the group itself for any sort of currency. (See Section Buyer Beware for more details)
Crossovers with other ARPGs and even personal universes are encouraged - feel free to include creatures from other games within your entries unless the specific prompt specifies otherwise.
However, if another ARPG strictly forbids crossover within their game please abide by their rules.
Vesper-End allows for moderate amounts of gore including graphic depictions / descriptions of injuries.
That said, appropriate Mature Content tags should always be applied through deviantArt's submission system. Untagged artwork may be removed from the group at any time without notice.
We encourage players to list the reasoning for the Mature Filter / Tag in the description of their piece.
Players are encouraged to keep track of their Inventory in a separate document including links to specific transfer comments to provide as proof in case of discrepancy. While there is a public Inventory that Staff uses to track items belong to various users, errors may occur, and you are responsible for locating and proving the discrepancy.

The following is a list of rules and conditions that all players must abide to when participating in Vesper-End. Failure to do so may result in removal from the game and loss of all items gained.
Last Updated: March 1st, 2018, 5:50PM CST.
All artwork submitted to Vesper-End should meet Submission Guidelines unless otherwise specified.
Players are encouraged to work on improving their artwork, not to just shove through with the bare minimum.
Players who abuse our system in order to gain an advantage over players may be penalized or removed from the game. Abuse is defined as bullying other players for goods, extorting other players, and churning out mass amounts of minimal, sloppy or lazy artwork in order to create an advantage for profit.
Bullying and harassment of our players is not permitted. If you are subject to any sort of negative behavior from another member please contact wrensghost or WerewolfStripclub directly with any screenshots or logs documenting this behavior. We at Vesper-End want the game to be a positive experience for everyone, and while we understand that it's virtually impossible to make everyone happy, we will be taking accusations of antagonistic behavior very seriously.
Call out posts / threads are not permitted. If you have an issue with another player keep it between yourselves and staff via notes. We do not encourage or allow white knight rallying or other similar actions.
We do not permit bad-mouthing of other games or ARPGs. Criticism is expected, but players will not target other ARPGs via any medium in Vesper-End.
Respect the wishes and feelings of your fellow players. If a player requests that you use certain pronouns or that you cease use of a certain word, follow through. On the flip side understand that not everyone is as knowledgeable about the taboo of certain words. Be prepared to teach other players. We understand it can be frustrating to explain yourself on a frequent basis, but we encourage players to both educate themselves and others.
Vesper-End will not be held responsible for any player's personal business transactions.
Players should be aware of who they conduct business with. We at Attica-Bound encourage you to research all others you engage with, and to have caution when trading / selling / etc with player accounts under one month of age.
As you would read through a seller's reviews on other sites, check through a player's journals and page comments before engaging business with them. Red flags include an abundance of hidden comments and call-out journals. Avoid conducting business brand new, empty accounts and players who are unwilling to make certain compromises in the selling process.
Make use of Paypal's invoice feature, and know that players who abuse Paypal's Send Money to Friend feature may have their account frozen and their funds withheld. That said, please do not send direct payment to Vesper-End when making purchases, but instead wait for an administrator to issue you an invoice.
If you're confused on how to make use of Paypal's invoice feature, the following link contains an excellent guide. Please note the aforementioned guide is not in any way actually affiliated with Vesper-End.
Players are encouraged to screenshot all transactions. If you believe you have been scammed, please send a note to wrensghost with as much evidence as you can provide, with as many details as you can give. That said, please note that Vesper-End cannot be held responsible if you are scammed, and is not obligated to refund your items to you.