

Like the humans of Earth, Vespers vary in their personalities and beliefs. Some are playful, curious, just looking to improve their skills. Others lean on the pacifist side, only turning to violence to defend themselves. Others still are war-torn, grizzly beasts intent on dealing damage just because they can.
All Vespers must have at least 1 verified damage-causing skill before participating in a battle or training exercise.
Vespers rely on several statistics to sway the battle in their favor. Vespers with a higher attack statistic can deal more damage, while those with a higher defense will receive less damage from their opponents.
Luck may also come into play - how? We just don't know.
Vespers can only have 5 pieces of Equipment on their person that effect their Statistics total. Equipment can be damaged in battle, and Vespers who venture into regions above their level may find themselves visiting the Smith a little more than their wallet allows.
To repair your Vesper's equipment, you'll need to visit Cass at the local Smith and pay a small fee - or fix it yourself if you're decent at that sort of thing.
Battle Equipment comes in two forms - Weaponry and Armor.
Vespers can only have 5 pieces of Equipment on their person that effect their Statistics total. Equipment can be damaged in battle, and Vespers who venture into regions above their level may find themselves visiting the Smith a little more than their wallet allows.
To repair your Vesper's equipment, you'll need to visit Cass at the local Smith and pay a small fee - or fix it yourself if you're decent at that sort of thing.
Battle Equipment comes in two forms - Weaponry and Armor.
Different Regions have different level goals - Level 1 Regions, for example (listed as 'Easy' in their respective journals), have a goal of at least 50 Attack or Defense. Vespers without at least one or the other will have a high chance of being severely injured in a battle, and their equipment may be damaged, which requires Repair before it can take effect again.
As you've likely noticed, all Vespers start with a Attack and Defense of 0. To begin raising your Vesper's stats, you can either go looking for equipment to boost, or participate in a training exercise.
The regions can all be seen as follows on our World Map.
Vespers with statistics too low to go adventuring in higher regions can practice against their fellow Vespers. Players should depict their Vesper, and an opponent - which must be a Vesper not belonging to the Player themselves - in battle against each other. Regardless of outcome, both Vespers will receive a boost in Battle Statistics, but no loot.
Training Exercises should meet Vesper-End's Submission Guidelines, and can be submitted to the folder 'Training Submissions'.
Each Vesper should have the following form filled out.
Import: Link here.
Skill: One skill only.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A Vesper may only complete 5 training exercises until they are consider too strong to participate any further. (This is to prevent one Vesper from completing 62103847 training exercises and overpowering themselves before they have participated in any battles).
All Battles should meet our website's Submission Guidelines, with a defined background and at least 60% visible of both the Vesper and at least 40% of the Vesper's opponent, regardless of what they are battling. Opponents are up to the creative interpretation of the Vesper, but should make sense in the context of the region. Vespers are not likely to stumble upon a six story dragon or the manifestation of a God in a low level region.
The following Form should be completed for each Vesper participating in the battle - up to three Vespers per piece - and placed in the description of the deviantart submission. Vespers may team up against one opponent, Monster or Vesper, as long as the Vespers and their opponent are clearly stated in the description and that the number of battling Vespers in the piece does not exceed three. Then the piece should be submitted to our Pending Battles folder in the Vesper-End gallery.
All Vespers looking to participate in battle must have at least one Skill verified.
Import: A link to the Vesper's Import.
Equipment: Up to five, must be applied to Vesper prior battle submission.
Region: The location your Vesper's battle is taking place. This will determine the loot that may be dropped.
Skills: Up to 3. Attacks are determined by random roll.
Boost: Vespers may apply one additional statistic boosting Skill or a Potion to their Battle.
This is entirely up to your interpretation. While over time specific monsters may be released in the game by the staff, the opponents your Vesper go against are your decision. So long as the monster is group appropriate and makes sense for your Vesper's level, you are welcome to depict anything.
Suggestions: Slime Monsters, Gryphons, Dourin, Wurms (see: Wormwood), Ferals (Thalla and Vesper), Harpies, Boars, etc.
Monster Encounter Generator
Note: Chaotic Shiny is in no way affiliated with Vesper-End
Loot Drops for Battles are one of the few aspects of Vesper-End that aren't determined by random roll. Depending on what sort of monster your artwork depicts and the level of the region the battle takes place, loot will vary depending - some battles have a chance to drop exclusive loot found nowhere else. In addition, your Vesper may occasionally stumbled upon a Loot Box, which can be opened at Addy's General Goods and has a chance to drop rare items.
In addition, every battle has a chance to earn your Vesper some experience towards a Skill Point. Skill points are used to teach your Vesper new skills to use in battle.