
Attica hosts several events throughout the year for all its citizens to enjoy! Some are festive periods with tons of games and food, while others are mystical events where the gods are rumored to play an important role.
Events are played out as follows.
Renewal Jamboree: March 20th to April 3rd.
Festival of the Sun: June 21st to July 5th.
Stardust Symphony: July 1st to July 31st.
The Reaping: September 22nd to October 5th.
Inktober in Attica: October 1st to October 31st.
Spectacle of Somnis: December 21st to January 4th.
Attica has a number of festivals and holidays, but four festivals are celebrated world-wide! Erela, the Patron of Festivals, oversees all to make sure everyone is having a fantastic time!
March 20th to April 3rd.
As the last dregs of the cold season are spurned away, new life takes over the earth. Vespers assist others in the planting of crops to last the year, and begin bringing their young into the world. It is a time for taking up new hobbies and cleaning up the muck from dwelling about through the winter time, and many Vespers take the opportunity of the fresh sunlight to add on to their dens or redecorate what they already have.
June 21st to July 5th.
With the warm season at its height, work quickly becomes exhausting. It's time for a break! Many gather at the sandy beaches to the east to host night time swims and exciting games for a change of pace. Creatures from all over are invited to show off their skills and special creations.
September 22nd to October 6th.
It's Harvest time! What? No, we're harvesting crops. What did you think we were doing?
As summer comes to an end, winter is just around the corner, and the deadly cold can destroy plant life. Vespers are known to lend their size and strength to villages around them in bringing in crops before the frost kills, and even share in the bounty at an enormous feast!
Everyone is encouraged to bring something along to the feast themselves, be it food gathered from the woodland or a special good to donate to the hosting village.
December 21st to January 4th.
Creatures gather from all across Attica to converge at Whiteout Point on the longest night of the year. Many create effigies of themselves to be burned in an enormous bonfire, symbolizing the beginning of a new year and to encourage a blank slate, to leave behind all bad memories of the past and make room for the new. As the year rolls over into anew, the bonfire is extinguished. All turn their eyes to the sky to take in the stars and the aurora, said to be left behind from Somnis's new year flight. Vespers are encouraged to create gifts for each other, keeping in mind what the other might need to move forward in their lives.
July 1st to July 31st.
The skies are clear and bright, filled with a million glittering stars. The air is crisp, and songs from the local villages drift on the gentle breeze. Gods are close tonight, you can feel it in the dirt, in the grass, in the water. Everything buzzes with a vibrant, chaotic energy. It's intoxicating and inspiring. Something magical is happening tonight, something both dark and light, a meeting of gods. Cast your runes, collect your magic, and use this time as a new beginning. Vespers get together to tell stories, give offerings, and dance under the stars. It's common to dress in attire that mimics the shimmering blanket of night sky, with starry capes and jewelry.
It is said that pups who are chosen by the gods are born during these magical nights. These special creatures are gifted with a starry coat, one that glows and shimmers and is filled with constellations. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending on which god has chosen them for greatness.
October 1st to October 31st.