
Although wandering across Attica is a hobby to many, it isn't always productive in supporting a Vesper's lifestyle. So, many have taken up Careers to earn a bit of coin on the side.
Vespers have a wide range of tasks they can complete - quests for glory, coins, monsters to hunt, beasts to fight. Some even find a niche and settle into it, using their learned skills to make a little income on the side as well as gather some extra supplies.
Vespers must have completed their Trials of Youth before taking on a Career Track. Career Tracks are entirely different from the randomized, extra jobs available at The Sanctuary and both may be taken on at the same time. Career Tracks also grant a Vesper 5 extra breeding slots and decrease the Virus penalty by -5% when breeding!
Vespers may only choose one career to take up full time, but every month the player will receive 25 coins and 5 items related to their designated career track. Please note that once you have chosen a career track, Vespers require an Identification Wipe to choose a new one, so please read through and select carefully!
In the future, Careers may involved exclusive prompts, competitions and crafting recipes open only to those in the specified Career Track.
Players who complete the set Bonus Track for their career are eligible for one extra time per payday as well as an additional ten gold pieces per pay day. Additional rewards may be given for creativity or effort present in a player's career prompt responses. All bonus track submissions must be new pieces, not a prior accomplishment. Bonus tracks do not count as one of your two required prompts to register for a Career. Bonus tracks do not have to be completed at the time a player applies for a career track - they may be applied at a later date, and the Vesper will then become eligible for the bonus track rewards. To apply a bonus track at a later date, please reply to your original career verification comment!
Players may register as many Vespers as they like for Careers, but to prevent abuse of this system, a maximum of THREE vespers will be eligible for reward. If a player has four Vespers registered, the reigning staff member will randomly select three from the four for eligible rewards.
If a player has failed to make use their verified Vesper for a time of or exceeding two months, that Vesper becomes ineligible for pay day. (i.e. players must submit either misc. artwork or official Vesper-End pieces for each Vesper at least once over a two month time span)
Once you've completed the requirements, you may submit your career application.
Payday is the 5th of every month!
Gardeners take peace in working at their green thumb, in bringing new life to many kinds of flora. Vespers who have chosen the Gardener occupation spend their free time planting herbs, and vegetables to sell at the Bazaar.
Players wishing to apply for a Gardener position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ Your Vesper must first decide what they want to plant in their new garden. Depict your Vesper purchasing seeds or seedlings from the Bazaar or other seller.
➤ The forest is full of exotic flora. Depict your Vesper harvesting a strange new plant to place in their garden.
➤ Gardens can come in many shapes in sizes. Depict your Vesper's garden - a farmer's plot, a terrarium, a window box, your imagination is the limit.
➤ A bad storm can spell trouble for a Vesper's garden. Depict your Vesper preparing cover for their garden.
➤ It's harvest time! Depict your Vesper harvesting the fruits of their labor from their garden.
Bonus Track: Acquire a cutting, a seedling or plant seeds yourself and raise any kind of plant. Submit a photo or video collage of your progress to the group. Work must be your own!
While hunting is a profit, sometimes it is easier to lay a few traps and let time do the rest of the work. Trappers are skilled in camouflage and baiting, and create sometimes elaborate tools to snag their prey.
Players wishing to apply for a Trapper position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ There are many places a Vesper may choose to lay their lines. Depict your Vesper walking their trapping route.
➤ Sometimes traps don't always catch their intended prey. Depict your Vesper stumbling upon something a little unusual caught in their trap.
➤ Most Vespers have a favorite way to catch prey. Depict your Vesper working on one of their favored traps. (ex. a pit, a snare, a trip line, etc.)
➤ It's your last run of the day. Depict your Vesper returning home with their haul.
➤ Sometimes it's a little difficult to remember where a trap was laid, or how a certain something works. Depict your Vesper making a mess of themselves after either forgetting where their trap is or making a mistake while setting one.
Bonus Track: Draw the plans for or physically create any kind of trap - and maybe even upload a video of the trap in progress! It can be large scale or small and simple.
Some Vespers enjoy the company of other more simple beasts, be it for pelt, meat or product. Herders are protective, keen eyed creatures who are constantly on alert to take care of their charges.
Players wishing to apply for a Herder position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ There are many animals with many different uses that are valuable to keep as herding animals. Depict your Vesper bringing home their first charge.
➤ At times, wild beasts or bandits may take it upon themselves to lighten your load. Depict your Vesper protecting their herd from an enemy.
➤ Now and then tragedy strikes, or a mother just doesn't take to her brood. Depict your Vesper caring for a newborn charge.
➤ As the season changes, your charges needs to relocate to greener pastures. Depict your Vesper moving their herd to a new location.
➤ You've fallen a bit behind with your maintenance, and one of your charges has hopped the fence! Depict your Vesper searching, finding or returning one of their herd.
Bonus Track: Upload a video or pictures of an example of 'herding'. It can be as simple as 'rounding up' some stuff animals into a box or herding your pet cat out of a room.
The more patient of Vespers enjoy spending hours alongside the lakes and rivers of Attica, sometimes using their tails as a tool to pull fish from the waters.
Players wishing to apply for a Angler position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ All fisherfolk have their favorite place to put out a lure. Depict your Vesper at their favorite place to fish.
➤ Everyone dreams of being the fellow to catch the big one. Depict your Vesper becoming the protagonist of a whale of a tale!
➤ Sometimes the fish are a little too much to handle. Depict your Vesper making a mess of things!
➤ It's pretty satisfying to serve up a meal knowing where the main course came from. Depict your Vesper enjoying their catch.
➤ There are all sorts of ways to catch a fish. Depict your Vesper going about it in their favorite way. (etc: netting, lures, or just jumping in with their teeth!)
Bonus Track: Go fishing! Show us your catch, or pictures of your favorite fishing hole - or maybe create a fishing rod yourself and see what you get!
Although Vespers aren't the most handy of creatures with their lack of opposable thumbs, some have learned ways around it and enjoy putting their time to use in a more creative fashion!
Players wishing to apply for a Seamstress position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ Creating a fashionable piece is art in its own right. Depict your Vesper making up a design for their latest work.
➤ Working with dye can result in a bit of a mess. Depict your Vesper working with their favorite color (and the aftermath)!
➤ While it's exciting to build something from the ground up, sometimes it's all about fixing what is already there. Depict your Vesper doing some basic repairs.
➤ Your Vesper has been commissioned for a large scale project for a fairly rich noble. Design an outfit for any species or depict your Vesper dealing with the stress of such an important job.
➤ Inspiration is an important motivator for any creative track. Depict your Vesper finding such from the world around them in any form.
Bonus Track: Create an accessory or even a full outfit in the real world! You can make paper dolls, or make something a little large scale - it's all up to you!
It's a bit of an art to make an elaborate pastry without opposable thumbs, and Vesper bakers are some of the most revered in the land.
Players wishing to apply for a Baker position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ It can't hurt to enjoy your own goods once in awhile; Depict your Vesper giving their work a taste test!
➤ With all the flour and the mixing and the jellies and ... the everything, baking can get messy! Depict your Vesper dealing with the whirlwind or cleaning up the mess.
➤ Many festivals feature exclusive baking competitions, and bakers from all over swing in to show their best. Depict your Vesper showing off their most elaborate piece.
➤ Sometimes things just don't work out how they should. Sometimes your ingredients weren't quite right, and sometimes the oven is too hot. Depict your Vesper dealing with a failure in the kitchen.
➤ The decoration is just as important as the taste in some cases! Depict your Vesper seeking out the best toppings for their piece, or crafting an outstanding garnish.
Bonus Track: Upload a video or picture collage of your construction of your own baked good! It can be any baked good - fresh bread, a pastry, Christmas cookies, whatever you'd like!
Wandering the land can be a dangerous adventure, and it always helps to have some extra padding.
Players wishing to apply for an Armorsmith position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ A forge is an exciting, thrilling place. Depict your Vesper setting up their forge for the first time, stocking the fire, or just relaxing in their work space.
➤ You wouldn't be a good armorsmith if you weren't sure your pieces held up. Depict your Vesper testing out their latest piece of armor in battle.
➤ Sometimes people are less interested in defending themselves and more interested in showing off. Depict a more ... extravagant piece than is really practical. It's a commission, of course.
➤ What's wrong with a little self indulgence now and then? Depict your Vesper modeling their own favorite piece of armor.
➤ Getting all the necessary pieces for a decent chunk of armor can be difficult. Depict your Vesper digging up some ore, smelting it down, or haggling in the marketplace for a desired gem.
Bonus Track: Using any material, craft a piece of armor for yourself or someone / something else and upload a photo of the finished product! (Maybe a modeled piece?)
Although Vespers pride themselves on their use of teeth and claws in battle, it can't hurt to have a little extra fire power. Vespers are renowned for their creativity in the making of weapons. Do them proud!
Players wishing to apply for a Weaponsmith position must complete two of the following prompts. All standard submission guidelines apply.
➤ There are many types of weapons out there - depict your Vesper crafting their personal favorite!
➤ Your Vesper wouldn't be much a smith if they didn't test out their crafts. Depict your Vesper putting their steel to the test in battle.
➤ Marketplaces and Festivals are a prime place to advertise the business. Depict your Vesper putting their wares up for sale in a shop or booth.
➤ It can't hurt to make a little cash on the side. Depict your Vesper teaching another in the art of weapon wielding!
➤ There's nothing wrong with getting a little ... impractical with the craft. Depict your Vesper working on something a little over the top - maybe a dagger for a field mouse, or a sword for a behemoth.
Bonus Track: Using any materials you like, craft a weapon! It can be a stick fashioned into a make-shift fighting stave, or a sword sculpted from clay. The sky is the limit.