
All kinds of shops, bazaars, marketplaces and other exchanges are littered throughout Attica. Players have the opportunity to spend their coins on sought-after items, exchange other forms of currency - like Black Beads - for unique items, or sell their existing items for coin. So what are you waiting for? Shopping sprees won't happen on their own.
In the thick of Som, a mess of alley ways and open courtyards, is a bustling whirlwind of activity. Booths of every sort can be found, hawking everything from fried pastries to lumps of metal with supposed magical properties. Now and then, newcomers wander in with items from strange lands available only for a limited amount of time.
No one knows if Old Miss Addy is actually a General but no one is asking either. Connoisseur of teas from all across Attica, the scraggly, ancient dire wolf has all manner of goods for sale - and she'll buy just about anything else as well.
You've never seen such a clutter in your life, or such an assortment of items. It's a bit ... off-putting, to say the least. More off-putting is the creature sitting on a pile of cushions juggling a half dozen potion bottles with one set of arms and sorting through inventory with another pair of hands.
A tall, well-dressed Dourin slams away at a strip of metal with a hammer, ignoring your existence entirely. She turns to you and holds out a sword still gleaming with heat. It's perfect, and everything you could ask for. She smiles faintly, and you understand - it's her job to know exactly what you need.
It's not quite clear if you've wandered into a kitchen or a disaster zone, but either way your stomach begins to growl - the scent is far too tasty to stand. You wonder vaguely if the coin in your pocket is enough to buy a few loaves of bread ....
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Smaller shops lie outside Attica's major cities - it just takes the right kind of creature to look for them. Whether it be in thick of a dark forest, at the height of a mountain, or at the edge of the sea, these Shopkeepers and Traders are just waiting for their customers to pass by...
Nothing is more anxiety inducing than the room in front of you. You're not sure how they managed it, but there are beads. Beads of all size, shape, color, and they're all stacked accordingly in every corner of the room.
Roads tangled all across Attica, some mere dirt trails pounded into the earth, others paved with crushed stone. Here and there, the roads met. It wasn't uncommon for travelers to set up camp at these cross ways, or for bandits to hunch over in the brush to ambush anyone who passed by.