
Activities are ... well, activities that Vespers can participate in as many times as they like as a means of gaining items for crafting and general supplies. Vespers also have a chance of running across random, exclusive events!
There are five different activity types - Hunting, Fishing, Exploring, Scavenging, and Spelunking. These activities are explained in detail down below! When a Vesper completes an activity, their activity level in their Statistics raises slightly (e.x. if Hunting, their Hunting level raises). A Vesper can complete any activity in any region, but each region has their own Primary Activity type, which doubles a Vesper's stat gain upon completing an Activity (i.e. if a Vesper goes hunting in the Noca Pines, they gain 0.2 in Hunting instead of the usual 0.1 for the region).
Keep an eye out for your Vesper, though! When they complete an Activity, their Stamina will deplete, and once it reaches 0, your Vesper must heal either by visiting the Sanctuary or crafting an edible meal at Edel's Eatery before they can participate in more Activities.
This information is further explained down below and in our Statistics Guide.
Before submitting any Activity, please be sure to read over our Submission Guidelines! It should be immediately obvious which activity your Vesper is participating in from the image or literary piece.
Once you've completed an Activity, you can submit it to the 'Pending Activities' folder along with the following form in the Description of your deviation. You must fill out one form for every Vesper participating.
In case of a crossover with another ARPG, check with an admin what to do per the other ARPG if you're confused!
Note: Your activity MUST resemble the region it takes place in! Players who submit a jungle or swamp for Whiteout Mountains will be declined, and so on.
Import: (Link as a name. ex: Soryn 001)
Region: (the varying regions are available HERE.)
Activity: Fishing, Spelunking, etc.
Bonuses: A maximum of 5 items, skills, companions, and/or traits that benefit the outcome of the roll, selected from the Vesper's Inventory.

art by 40mg
"Shh ... don't want to scare them off. I'm starved."
While Vespers can survive on berries and herbs, all Vespers have a craving for meat. Some go for it traditionally, bringing down whatever prey they've managed to find with tooth and claw. Others make use of traps and trickery. Whatever the case, you better catch something or you'll be picking berry pits out of your teeth all night ....
Depict your Vesper in the act of a hunt - stalking and tracking, laying traps, pouncing on unsuspecting prey. Whatever works!

art by uSco
"I don't know how you expect to catch anything stomping around in the water like that."
The world of Attica is spider-webbed with streams, rivers and creeks, dotted with ponds and lakes. Fish of all sorts can be found, as well as … less useful items. Some Vespers use their teeth and claws as well as natural agility to snag a meal from the deep, while others have taken to the inventions of other species to tangle with fish.
Depict your Vesper preparing for a fishing trip, actually fishing, or enjoying their success. Or, you know, moaning about their failure.

"Look, are you sure you don't want a map? It's pretty easy to get lost out there."
Attica is a wide world with many strange regions and unusual biomes to discover, as well as towns and cities, with many different creatures to boot. More often than not your Vesper may stumble upon something new and usual while out in the wild - just try and remember how to get back home.
Depict your Vesper preparing for a trek into the wild, exploring the world of Attica, admiring the landscape, or something else along those lines.

art by starsealer
"Eugh. I'm not sure this is worth it, honestly. But if you say so."
Sometimes the most valuable items aren't easily found. Attica is littered with ruins and abandoned homes, both from intelligent creatures and the average critter roaming the world. Still, all leave behind a little something - perhaps your Vesper can dig up something interesting?
Depict your Vesper rummaging through ruins or the brushes of a nearby forest looking for lost treasures!

art by Rhinorocket
"Ehhh, I don't know about that. It's awfully dark down there."
Below the crust of the earth, where light no longer reaches and strange beasts roam blindly, unknown treasures can be found. Ores and ancient metals used to craft new items can be found, and here and there, treasures left behind by others who have gotten lost down below...
Depict your Vesper exploring the caverns and forgotten tunnels of Attica. Requires the skill 'Light of Torona,' a Torch, or Rusted Lantern equipped to the Vesper to engage.
As your Vesper increases their activity level, they will be able to complete activities in higher level regions. While regions marked as 'Easy' can be completed by any Vesper as long as they have sufficient Stamina, regardless of Activity level, 'Moderate,' 'Challenging,' and 'Extreme' Regions require higher Activity levels to participate. When your Vesper completes Actvities in more difficult regions, they may also encounter dangerous opponents and suffer a beating to their Health, unless their Attack and Defense allow them to ward off threats.
The guidelines for Region Levels are as follows.
Easy: No requirements or recommendations. Vespers will gain 0.1 in the stat of the Activity depicted. Gain increases to 0.2 in regions when the primary Activity is the same as the Activity being completed.
Moderate: 100 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 1 to participate. Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 100 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 200 Attack or Defense. Vespers will gain 0.2 in the stat of the Activity depicted. Gain increases to 0.4 in regions when the primary Activity is the same as the Activity being completed.
Challenging: 250 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 3. Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 250 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 350 Attack or Defense. Vespers will gain 0.5 in the stat of the Activity depicted. Gain increases to 1 in regions when the primary Activity is the same as the Activity being completed.
Extreme: 400 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 5. Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 400 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 500 Attack or Defense. Vespers will gain 1 in the stat of the Activity depicted. Gain increases to 2 in regions when the primary Activity is the same as the Activity being completed.