
The following applies to every game play related submission. Players and non-players are welcome to submit artwork to our misc. category, where the guidelines do not necessarily apply. However, all submissions to Vesper-End must adhere to DeviantArt's terms of submission.
If you as a player have any questions regarding the guidelines below, do not hesitate to contact the group via atticancensus or staff via our Discord server.
Submissions may contain as many Vespers or characters as the artist is comfortable depicting, but only three Vespers will be eligible for rewards and these three must appear in the majority of the piece.
All pieces submitted with a prompt must loosely match the prompt. (ex. A fishing activity should not depict your Vesper exploring a mountain peak. A skill-based quest should show your Vesper learning or using the skill, not napping in a field.)
Any artwork submitted for official pieces (activities, prompts, quests, etc.) must be created entirely from scratch by yourself or a commissioned artist. You may not upload another user's work without their permission to use for your own gaming benefit.
We do not permit the use of stock photographs as backgrounds, or the use of bases or tracing. While the latter two can be used to learn and improve, they do not have a place in official submissions. Players may use these methods when submitting to our Misc. Art gallery, although we will never encourage tracing for any aspect beyond learning.
References are permitted but proper credits should be listed. Unsplash.com is an excellent website for high quality reference images.
Players are welcome to commission other artists for official pieces. Collaborations are welcome as well, but players must leave credit to all parties in their descriptions and re-uploads are only allowed with permission from the original artist.
Vesper-End allows and encourages cross-overs with other ARPGs, personal universes, and existing universes. Players may use their own OCs alongside their Vesper characters, but the piece as a whole must meet our guidelines.
We highly encourage and seek quality over quantity. Staff would prefer players submit a single highly detailed piece over 10 pieces with no real depth. Players who exhibit improvement in their work as well as experimentation with new mediums are eligible for more rewards.
Submissions featuring sexual content in any form are not permitted.
All official pieces based on a prompt must list the prompt in the description of the piece, in addition to any forms required alongside. (ex. Activities require the Vesper's Import, the Activity, and the Location as well as any attached boosts.)
Vesper-End permits visual artwork of any kind in our official submissions, including but not limited to digital, traditional, sculpture, etc. However, it must meet our guidelines.
Multimedia pieces are more than welcome. Players are invited to paint backgrounds in acrylic and digitally insert their Vesper, or to sculpt their Vesper and photograph them in nature for an activity piece. Please note that sculptures and similar work should be modified in some way per piece - the same sculpture is not eligible for multiple pieces.
All pieces when uploaded must be at least 500x500 pixels in size.
Each Vesper present in a piece intending to be rolled for rewards must have at least 60% of their body clearly visible, and the Vesper in question should be easily identified as the Vesper on its listed import. (ex. A Geode Vesper shouldn't show as bright green in an art piece)
Large canvas sizes are permitted in submissions, but all Vespers intending to be rolled should be fairly visible and easily identifiable - a 5000x5000 side canvas with a few pixels as the 'Vesper' will be declined.
When creating a submission for a Battle, players should depict at least 40% of the opponent's body.
Special Note: To prevent the creative crippling of our players, we do permit players to submit visual artwork not meeting the above listed guidelines. However, Vespers must still be, at minimum, 20% visible. Players may compensate for the loss in visuals by adding in a literature piece into the description of at least 500 words.
All submitted pieces should be full color with a lightly detailed background and some shading.
All backgrounds should be easily identifiable if they are meant to depict a specific area within Attica. (ex. A hunt set in Whiteout Mountains cannot depict a desert biome or a simple blur of white meant to be 'mountains'.)
Comics are permitted as submissions, as long as at least one panel meets our minimal submission requirements. In cases where multiple panels meet the requirements, extra rewards will be rolled but the piece will only appear on a Vesper's Import once.

Literature may be used for any official submission within Vesper-End unless otherwise specified. Players may write out their Trials of Youth, Activities, Skill Quests, etc.
Literature for any official submissions must be a minimum of 1000 words in length, with an additional 100 words for every additional Vesper appearing in the piece after the first. (Max 3. Vespers to a piece with a minimum of 1200 words.)
Roleplays between players are permitted as prompts, activities, quests and more, but must be a minimum of 1300 words in length regardless of how many Vespers are present.
Location specific prompts as well as activities should have clearly described scenery matching the specified location throughout the piece.
When combining literature with another art medium, please message staff to nail down the specific requirements.
Players are permitted to write in First, Third or Second person, but the Vespers involved should still be easily identified if expecting to be rolled for rewards.
Script format is not permitted.
Ex. Vesper 1: I'm going to go hunting!
Vesper 2: Okay!
Vesper 1 went for a walk.
Vesper 1: (thinking) It's so hot!