
Vespers are social creatures by nature, and finding a true loner is highly unusual. Even those of a more shy or reclusive personality tend to have a companion or two, and some find a friend in a species other than their own. It's not unusual to witness a Vesper traversing the land with a Dourin glued nervously to their back, or a pair of Vespers wandering every corner of the earth together.

Creatures who spend an extraordinary amount of time together may take part in a Soul Bond, a ceremony that solidifies a friendship between two beings above all others. While not necessarily a romantic relationship, it's not unusual for Soul Bonded individuals to stray into that territory and even raise a family together.
To apply for a Soul Bond, you must first complete a set of tasks. Each piece must meet our Submission Guidelines, and each piece must depict BOTH creatures you are looking to bond (two Vespers, a Vesper and a Dourin, etc). No other characters are permitted within the piece - each piece should only depict the two characters that are applying for a Soul Bond. The exception is the battle requirement; you are required to show an opponent of some sort. Vespers may only have one soul bond, so choose wisely! In the same vein, a non-Vesper companion should not have more than one Vesper soul bonded to them.
soul-bonding prompts should only be completed after the 4 initial tasks. the ceremony prompt should only be completed when ALL of the below tasks are complete.
One Successful Battle per Vesper involved.
One Successful Skill Quest, any quest.
One Festival Prompt, any festival.
Any 3 Activities (Hunting, Fishing, Exploring, Scavenging, Spelunking) in any Region.
Any Two of Five Soul Bonding Prompts.
Soul Bonding Ceremony Prompt.
Vesper-End staff require you to make a Soul Bonding tracker, listing each task along with their corresponding art and/or literature pieces (in any order). Once you have completed all of the tasks you may submit HERE! If two Vespers are involved then the owner for each Vesper must submit separately, and both Vespers must have a full tracker to apply.
only 2/5 required.
1. Often times life will ask you to choose between two things very important to you. Perhaps two friends of yours that demand you choose which you like better. Maybe your bonding partner is being swept down a split stream into danger, but your collection of items is going the opposite way. No matter the reason, depict your Vesper making a decision involving their soul bond.
2. Throughout life you will be faced with decisions, surprises, and sacrifices. Choosing to give up the life you want for the sake of your partner’s happiness, for instance. Or sacrificing your own life in order to save someone else. No matter how big or small the sacrifice is, it is an important step in bonding with someone. Depict your vesper making a sacrifice that isn’t so easy to shrug off.
3. Oh no! It looks like your future bonding partner has been injured in an accident. It is your job to take care of them, now, in their most vulnerable moments. Depict your vesper fending off predators from their injured friend, hunting for prey to feed them, tending to their wounds, etc.
4. Bonding is about patience, love, and understanding of each other. Depict your vesper learning something from the other; whether it be a new skill, a fun game, or a life lesson, and show how your vesper reacts to the new information.
5. Friends come and go, but only a special few will stick around. Depict the moment that your vesper realized they loved this friend more than the rest (this extends to both romantic and platonic relationships).
must be completed to verify bonding.
After many shared hardships and happy memories, your Vesper and their companion decide to take the next step and partake in a Soul Bond. The only thing left to do is complete a Soul Ceremony, an act that solidifies the relationship between a bonded pair. The ceremony takes place when the moon is at its highest, in a location that holds great significance between the two. With them the pair brings a Soul Clasp, an object meant to hold a Soul Bond that is nearly impossible to break once a bond has been applied to it. The Soul Ceremony consists of each participant touching the clasp while recalling their happiness memories with the other. A powerful mist from the Soul Clasp engulfs the pair, keeping both participants protected during perhaps the most important time of their lives. After the ceremony is complete, the mist solidifies into a swirling stone that attaches to the clasp, finalizing the Soul Bond.
Depict your intended bonding pair preparing for the ceremony, in the midst of it, their feelings afterwards, or anything in between. Both individuals must be depicted equally in the piece. You are welcome to collaborate with another user if the bonded pair consists of two individually owned Vespers. The prompt must meet all other requirements listed in the Submission Guidelines.
Why submit for Soul Bonding?
Vespers with a certified Soul Bond receive a variety of bonuses
that cannot be obtained otherwise. These are included but not limited to:
- Battle Bonuses. (+10% chance for success. +5% chance for extra drops.)
- Breeding Bonuses. (+10 Breeding Slots for each Vesper, +10% Chance for additional pup and -20% chance for a Stillborn pup when bred together)
- Activity Bonus (+1 Item Drop when both members are present)
- Other, unknown bonuses!!
Do I have to bond with another Vesper?​
Nope! You can bond your Vesper to another ARPG species, another species from the Attica world, or just a random original character of your own! You can also bond two of your own Vespers as well.
If I'm using a character from another ARPG, do I need to have a successful battle equivalent for them?
Nope! Just your Vesper.
Are there extra bonuses if it's two Vespers? Because that's more work, just saying.
Yes! Two bonded Vespers will get a bonus when they're bred together, and may be eligible for other rewards.
What about handlers and that sort of thing?
Because Vespers are intelligent, cultured creatures, having a 'Handler' is rather unheard of. However, you are welcome to declare your Vesper's soul bond as a Handler.
please use the form listed below when submitting for bonding. SUBMIT FOR BONDING HERE.
Import: A functioning link to your Vesper's import.
Link to Soul Bond: If applicable, please link the import of the intended Soul Bonded partner. If not applicable, please name your Vesper's Soul Bond. You may add additional information about non-Vesper bonds here if you'd like.
Link to Bonding Tracker: Please provide this in a st.ash file.
Bonding Prompt 1: A functioning link to Bonding Prompt number one.
Bonding Prompt 2: A functioning link to Bonding Prompt number one.
Ceremony Prompt: A functioning link to the final Soul Bonding Ceremony Prompt.