
Vespers are, at heart, social creatures. A Vesper who retreats to a life of complete solitude is truly a rare beast. After the old wars for their freedom, Vespers continued to form what have been known as Factions - part to sate a craving for companionship of their own species, and part for safety. Functioning largely as family groups with ambition, Factions typically start with a single family of Vespers (parents and pups) and branch out as pups create families of their own. Others form from rag tag bands of loners with no family ties at all, gathering together to defend themselves and the land they've come to call their own.
As do Vespers, Factions can vary greatly in the way they organize as well as their goals for the future. Some merely wish to find and maintain a steady home, while others seek to spread their hold to all corners of Attica.
Factions rely largely on strength in numbers, and an attentive gaze on their hold. Those with a larger amount of active members are more likely to keep a claim on a territory. Factions looking to hold a territory must be Tier 2 or above.
Players may participate in as many Factions as they desire, but each Vesper may only join ONE Faction.
Tiers are not based on how many Vespers a Faction has, but by how many players.
Tier One
(3-7 Members)
Cannot engage in Faction vs. Faction battles, or hold a territory. May engage in Behemoth battles as a Faction, and participate in Dungeon Crawls.
Tier Two
(8-15 Members)
Able to engage in Faction vs. Faction battles, and able to hold a max of one Territory.
Tier Three
(16-25 Members)
Able to hold a max of three Territories.
Tier Four
(26+ Members)
Able to hold an entire Region. (Five Territories) Bonus features TBA.
As part of a Faction's founding, the Faction Leader must select a starting territory for their Faction to settle in. Each Region in Attica has a maximum of five territories available for hold. Existing regions can be viewed at our WORLD MAP.
Once a Faction has claimed an area, all Vespers who are part of the Faction receive an item drop bonus for Activities depicting the region their territory resides in. (A Faction located in Noca Pines would receive a +1 Item Drop bonus for Noca Pines) This feature does stack, allowing Faction members to earn up to 5 additional items per Activity.
Factions of Tier One cannot hold a Territory, meaning if a higher tier Faction wishes to claim their residing territory, the Faction will be bumped to the next available territory. If no territories are available, the Faction may be disbanded.
If a Faction attempts to claim a territory claimed by a Faction of Tier 2 or higher, it will trigger a Faction vs. Faction Battle. The winner will receive a randomized amount of resources from the losing Faction's bank and a claim on the territory. The losing Faction will be bumped to the nearest available territory. If no territories are available, the Faction will be placed in limbo while they regroup for a grace period of one month, allowing players to prepare for battle in claiming another territory. If the Faction faces failure a second time, they will be disbanded.
Tier One Factions may not attempt to claim a territory that is already claimed by another Faction, regardless of the other Faction's Tier.
Factions may not attempt to claim territories if they already hold the maximum amount of territories allowed for their Tier without giving up their hold on at least one of their current territories. Factions may claim territories in multiple Regions, but they must be adjacent. (A Faction may not claim a Territory in Whiteout Mountains and one in Admiral's Bog, as Noca Pines and Vermillion Tundra lay between the two Regions)
There cannot be more Factions than there are available territories. Please keep this in mind. We encourage our players to build relationships by joining existing Factions, rather than starting their own if Faction concepts are highly similar.
When a Faction of Tier Two or higher attempts to claim a Territory held by a Faction of Tier Two or higher, a FACTION VS. FACTION BATTLE is triggered.
Once a Faction has declared battle against another, the defending Faction has exactly one week to either retreat voluntarily from their territory or to engage the offensive Faction, or they will be removed from the Territory and bumped to the next available Territory.
Players must complete the following form and place all information inside a st.ash file, and then reply to THIS COMMENT with a link to said sta.sh file. Players who simply reply to the comment with the form not in a sta.sh file will be ignored.
Factions have a start-up fee consisting of a 50 coin deposit, which will be returned to the Faction Inventory once the Faction reaches Tier 3.
Faction Name:
Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Evil)
Biography: Minimum of 200 words describing the Faction's appearance, morals, priorities and goals. All of these things should be at least mentioned in the biography.
Location: (ex. Northern Territory of Whiteout Mountains)
Founder: The player who owns and maintains the Faction.
Other Roles: Not required.
A minimum of three verified (uploaded) Vespers owned by three separate players of Vesper-End . (You cannot make a Faction solely consisting of three of your own Vespers)
Should be listed as:
Vesper Import Link - Player's username. (every player listed should reply to the st.ash file in a comment, confirming they will be joining the Faction)
Misc: Any additional information.
Note: In the future, Factions will be represented on a Vesper's import artwork with a small banner at the top of the import, but we're still figuring out that template!