
Dozens, if not hundreds, of varying species populate the continent of Attica, but the following are a handful of species who most heavily appear across the world.

Thick-skinned creatures that walk primarily on two legs, Thalla seem primarily reptilian in nature and are rumored to have crawled from the ocean itself. Despite their resemblance to cold-blooded beasts, Thalla are a quick-moving, warm blooded people that pride themselves on the vibrant colors of their head scales. Although they do not actually have mammary glands, many female Thalla mimic the upper clothing style of female Dourin as a joke. "Humans keep eggs here, right?"
Mammalian, bipedal people, Dourin are a bit of a joke with many of the other races for being so fragile. Their skin is frequently referred to as being 'paper thin', and it takes many months before their young are capable of walking, unlike the offspring of other races. Dourin have a wide range of color to their skin, mostly depending on their relation to the equator of the earth. Although physically much weaker than most other creatures, they have a powerful understanding of tools and magic that has allowed them to survive for so long.

Vaguely rodent-like, the Misk race is mostly bipedal, featuring long, spindly limbs and furry bodies. Most are found in the tunnels of Wormwood, and many others are employed for caving jobs, as well as testing security around Attica. Misk have excellent night vision, and their whiskered faces allow them to easily navigate small spaces.

Said to be born of Somnis Herself, the Birdfolk are a mysterious race who keep mostly to themselves. Elegant, winged creatures, they are most often seen on their pilgrimage to the top of the tower of Som, where they make a coming of age flight from its highest point.