
written by Trip3of3, art by Riajoi
territories in bold indicate claimed locations.

Edibles: Rodents, Grasses, Birds, Potatoes.
Primary Activity: Exploring (+1)
Difficulty: Easy.
The plains themselves might be more aptly described as hills - furry hills, coated with soft grasses that turn golden against the sun. There is little in the way of shelter from the winds, so rarely is wildlife seen. Typically, only from a distance. Those that live on the plains take to burrows or easily dismantled tents, moving about from one place to the other on a daily basis so not to flatten the grass. There is a single creek that feeds through the hills, occasionally disappearing under the earth only to pop up out the side of another embankment elsewhere.
The inhabitants of the Sundew Plains are very friendly and community-oriented. They are known as social, welcoming, and supportive of natives and visitors alike. The natives often help one another out with daily tasks, including harvesting berries, hunting, and raising the pups. It seems that everyone knows their neighbor's name. They take shelter in dens, as these places offer the only natural sanctuary from outside dangers such as bad weather. When dens are unavailable, the inhabitants move to constructing their own homes; these can range from fragile, weather-beaten tents to small huts, just large enough to house a couple Vespers. Most live in small packs, but there are some solitary Vespers.
On the surface, there doesn't appear to be much to the Sundew Plains, but one just needs to keep their eyes open for the little things - a chiseled rock in the ground, a worn-down path, a small creek. It's not as dangerous to get lost here than, say, in the Whiteout Mountains, but it's convenient to know about the few landmarks the environment has to offer. They're simple but effective; all that's needed is someone who knows how to use them.
Meena Creek: Sundew Plains is home to one long strip of water that snakes through the hills, and that is the Meena Creek. The soft sound of running water drifts throughout the golden hills; this sound alone is enough to tell a Vesper where they are at a given time. It serves as a vital water source to all creatures, including the many berry bushes that line the banks of this stream. Vespers and other creatures alike come here for a drink or to scavenge for food, as the plant life here is both edible and delicious.
Pressed Path: Worn to a winding strip of dirt, this pathway came into existence over years of repeated use by the various races of Attica. The grass has been pressed down by paw steps, footsteps, and the like, and now it no longer grows in this area of the plains. Vespers use this path as a direct route from the east edge of the plains to the banks of Meena Creek, which is a favored location for gathering berries and other plants.
Burnt Tree: The Sundew Plains used to be populated with hundreds of thousands of trees, but centuries ago a raging fire destroyed them all, and now only one burnt tree remains. The grasses live and flourish because of the growth the fire provided, but a charred tree trunk, hollow but still standing with its branches, stands on the peak of the tallest hill in the plains. It's used as a marker and a navigational tool, and even though it's hollow, it's still incredibly strong centuries after the fire. Some creatures spend the night in the hollow trunk, taking shelter during the occasional bought of bad weather.
Chipped Rock: At the center of the Sundew Plains sits a small, flat rock, framed by the grasses and chipped on one corner. The Chipped Rock was originally a boulder that was chiseled down into a flat marker, much like a plaque, and carved with the names of those who explored the Sundew Plains in the past. Just like the Burnt Tree, this stone is also used as a navigational tool, but besides being a testament to the early explorers and mappers of the plains, it doesn't serve much purpose.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
"Hey, we need your help. It's urgent. Can you meet us at the Burnt Tree at sunset tonight? There's something you need to see." That was what three young Vespers asked you to do. When you arrived there at sunset, just as you were told, you didn't see anyone. Their scents were still fresh when you showed up, but the three Vespers were missing. They were just pups—nothing should've happened to them. And now it was your job to find them before it was too late. What did they even want you to see?
Depict your Vesper searching for the missing pups. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
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