
written by Trip3of3 and wrensghost, art by Banzz
territories in bold indicate claimed locations.

Edibles: Fish, Seals, Shorebirds, Samphire.
Primary Activity: Fishing (+1)
Difficulty: Easy.
Tucked away against a seething ocean is a calm, quiet stretch of beach littered with life. Stretched out on the sand, overseeing all, is a scaled creature who seems to be hoarding a pile of .... sea shells? Really? On a beach? After gathering the courage to approach the beast, you learn that he's collecting seashells for a project. Perhaps you might find some on your adventures? The creature generously offers you a small journal as well, full of vivid illustrations and loads of information about the beach itself. How nice! The least you can do is bring him a few shells, you suppose.
While Skipper's Sound is home to the drake himself, Vespers and Thalla who are looking for a simple, seaside life also reside here. Vespers either live alone, which is rare to see as the beach acts as a great magnet for social interactions, or in small groups of two to four on average. Although Skipper's Sound is home to many different food sources and valuable items, inhabitants usually take to fishing to earn a profit and feed themselves, as the water reaps with fish. Occasionally an expecting mother who doesn't call Skipper's Sound home will travel there to raise their pups in a safe and welcoming environment, cared for and protected by the beach's natives.
Although most of the Sound's landmarks are famous and well-liked for their own unique reasons, there are more…infamous ones. On one hand, summer tourists and the natives alike flock to a spot that's rich in lore, and on the other hand there are one or two locations that are best observed from a distance and rarely mentioned in casual conversation. These few landmarks dot the shores, holding their own significance to the natives, but visitors who lack knowledge of the place often try to stop all the landmarks and end up regretting their decision.
Kennees's Wreck: No one knows why this landmark showed up in such an odd fashion, but most prefer to keep it that way. Only the most ancient inhabitants of Skipper's Sound remember the day a large, battered ship landed on the shore with no one inside. Named after the first native willing to step inside and investigate, Kennees's Wreck lies in the Northern Territory of the Sound and wards off most creatures simply with its eerie appearance, but those brave enough to venture inside often report a haunting aura to the place.
Caspen's Delight: The beach is home to several massive boulders, but only one is worth paying attention to. Overlooking the Sound is an enormous rock, marred by generations of claw-marks, known as Caspen's Delight. Those who are able to scrabble their way to the top earn the view of a lifetime, and the natives have learned to use this place as a way to spot fish or approaching dangers. The boulder didn't get it's name from this, though - if one climbs the rock at the right time, there is a slight chance they will spot the deity Caspen off in the distance.
Chillbreath Caves: A large network of icy caves hides buried in the cliffs lining the beach. Small entrances widen into huge caverns filled with frigid air and shallow pools, many of which are covered in a thin film of ice. The natives respect this environment from a distance, but reckless adolescents from outside Skipper's Sound will often venture inside, and only then will the natives enter to find them. Part of the worry is the cold atmosphere, but most of it stems from Caspen's ties to the place. On rare occasions the god will rest inside the caves, and outsiders are not tolerated in the slightest.
Angler's Haven: The southern part of the Sound is home to a popular fishing spot, where Thalla and Vespers alike gather to fish and exchange their catches. Early in the morning anglers will gather to set up their nets and their lines, and many will remain there until sunset, chatting with the other anglers and selling their gains to visitors throughout the day. The environment represents Skipper's Sound's inhabitants to the fullest; the air constantly exudes a positive attitude, drawing in travelers and tourists from all throughout Attica.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
Much of the story around Kennees's Wreck revolves around lore, and one doesn't have to be a native to know the story. Besides the first-hand accounts and stories from those who went inside, there hasn't been much evidence as to what caused the ship's demise or its reported hauntings - until now. Recently a brave native explored a previously untouched area of the ship and found a waterlogged notebook, containing odd symbols and what appeared to be a map of an island chain. There must be more inside, but very few are willing to take the risk. Maybe you'll step up to the challenge.
Depict your Vesper scouring Kennees's Wreck for artifacts. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
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