
Abandoned Eggs, Alligator Gar, Apple, Bali Cherry, Barracuda, Basil, Bass, Bat Carcass, Bat Wing, Bell Pepper, Bison Meat, Bitterling, Blackberry, Black Walnut, Blueberries, Blue Crab, Bluegill, Boar Slab, Buffalo Haunch, Butter, Carrot, Carp, Catfish, Cavefish, Chamomile, Chicken Carcass, Chicken Egg, Chives, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Clover, Cloves, Cod, Coelacanth, Cucumber, Crab Leg, Dandelion, Dogfish, Fennel, Finch Wing, Fish Bones, Fish Eggs, Flying Fish, Freshwater Eel, Frilled Lizard Carcass, Ginger, Grapes, Grouper, Grouse Carcass, Grouse Wing, Halibut, Head of Lettuce, Herring, Hunk of Beef, Kale, Large Bone, Large Meat Hunk, Loach, Meat Hunk, Meaty Bone, Minnow, Mint, Mole Carcass, Moray Eel, Mudskipper, Mullet, Mussel, Newt, Nutmeg, Oats, Olm, Ostrich Carcass, Ostrich Foot, Parsley, Pepper, Perch, Pheasant Carcass, Pheasant Wing, Pike, Piranha, Poppy Seeds, Pork, Prairie Dog Meat, Pufferfish, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Seeds, Raspberry, Rabbit Carcass, Rattlesnake Carcass, Red Snapper, Reef Shark, Robin Wing, Salamander, Salmon, Salmonberry, Salt, Sandpiper Carcass, Small Bones, Smelt, Sorrel, Spinach, Squash, Squid, Squirrel Carcass, Stingray, Sturgeon, Sugar, Sunflower, Swordfish, Tilapia, Thrush Carcass, Thrush Egg, Thrush Wing, Thyme, Triggerfish, Trout, Tuna, Turkey Carcass, Turkey Wing, Turtle Eggs, Veal Hunk, Venison Hunk, Walleye, Wild Potato, Withered Mushrooms, Wren Carcass, Wren Wing, Yeast.
BAKING: Butter, Cinnamon, Cloves, Flour, Ginger, Nutmeg, Oats, Pepper, Poppy Seeds, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Seeds, Salt, Sugar, Vanilla, Wheat, Yeast.
BERRIES: Bearberry, Blackberry, Blueberries, Elderberries, Raspberry, Salmonberry, Strawberry.
BONES: Fish Bones, Large Bone, Meaty Bone, Small Bones.
EGGS: Abandoned Eggs, Chicken Egg, Fish Eggs, Thrush Egg, Turtle Egg, Wurm Egg.
FISH: Alligator Gar, Barracuda, Bass, Bitterling, Bluegill, Catfish, Carp, Cavefish, Cod, Coelacanth, Dogfish, Flying Fish, Freshwater Eel, Grouper, Halibut, Herring, Loach, Minnow, Moray Eel, Mudskipper, Mullet, Newt, Olm, Perch, Pike, Piranha, Pufferfish, Red Snapper, Reef Shark, Salamander, Salmon, Smelt, Squid, Stingray, Sturgeon, Swordfish, Tilapia, Triggerfish, Trout, Tuna, Walleye.
FRUITS: Apple, Bali Cherry, Blackberry, Grapes, Salmonberry, Strawberry, Tomato.
HERBS: Basil, Chamomile, Chervil, Chives, Cilantro, Clover, Cloves, Dandelion, Fennel, Head of Lettuce, Kale, Mint, Parsley, Sage, Sorrel, Spinach, Sunflower, Thyme.
JUNK: Frozen Carcass, Well Eaten Carcass, Withered Mushrooms.
MEAT: Bat Carcass, Bat Wing, Bison Meat, Blue Crab, Boar Slab, Buffalo Haunch, Chicken Carcass, Finch Wing, Frilled Lizard Carcass, Grouse Carcass, Grouse Wing, Hunk of Beef, Large Meat Hunk, Meat Hunk, Mole Carcass, Mussel, Ostrich Carcass, Ostrich Foot, Pheasant Carcass, Pheasant Wing, Pork, Prairie Dog Meat, Rabbit Carcassm Rattlesnake Carcass, Robin Wing, Sandpiper Carcass, Squirrel Carcass, Thrush Carcass, Thrush Wing, Turkey Carcass, Turkey Wing, Veal Hunk, Venison Hunk, Wren Carcass, Wren Wing.
VEGETABLES: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Cucumber, Squash, Wild Potato.
Apple Beef Stew (2 Servings)
discovered by Pumpkin-Boy
A bit on the sweet side, it does seem to give a bit of a boost anyhow.
Requires: 1 Apple, 1 Meat Hunk and 1 Wild Potato or Carrot to make.
Effect: 50% chance for +5 Total Stamina.
Apple Berry Crumble (1 Serving)
discovered by SCP-3000
A bittersweet cobbler that is always a surprise!
Requires: 2 Apples and 1 Berry to make.
Effect: +50 Stamina Restore.
Bali Jam (1 Serving)
discovered by NamesisWolf
An absolutely delightful spread to go on biscuits, toast, or anything you may want really! Edel suggests just eating it straight up but you're sure it would taste better on something else.
Requires: 3 Bali Cherries to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore & 25% chance of +0.1 Scavenging.
Bison Tusk Fillet (3 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
Instilled with the strength of Bison and Boar and the slickness of fish this meal is one anyone ought to stay away from. Having eaten it, perhaps they should stay away from you too?
Requires: Bison Meat, Boar Slab, 2 Fish and 1 Fruit to make.
Effect: +10 Stamina Restore & Bison’s Essence Effect.
Bitter Berry Cobbler (3 Servings)
discovered by Trip3of3
A bittersweet cobbler that is always a surprise!
Requires: 1 Bali Cherry and any 2 other Fruits to make.
Effect: +60 Stamina Restore & 25% chance of gaining +5 Luck.
Bitter Cherry Turnover (1 Servings)
discovered by NamesisWolf
It packs a bitter punch, but man is it good!
Requires: 2 Bali Cherries and 1 Thrush Egg to make.
Effect: +5 Total Health.
Blackberry Cobbler (2 Servings)
discovered by Joyabells
A tasty cobbler full of blackberries!
Requires: 2 Blackberries and 1 Berry or Egg to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore & 25% chance of gaining +15 Attack.
Bloodfin Leggings (1 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
From the outside its just any normal crab leg, but inside is the dangers of the waters. Piranha teeth seem to overtake the meat but perhaps the pain is worth it?
Requires: 1 Piranha, 1 Crab Leg, 2 Berries and 2 Apples to make.
Effect: -15 Health Depletion and +10 Attack.
Bloodied Fish Kebabs (2 Servings)
discovered by tarynsgate
A rather dangerous looking set of Kebabs and... wait, is that a tooth?
Requires: At least 1 Piranha and any two Vegetables to make.
Effect: +10 Stamina Restore & 50% chance of depleting Health slightly (5 Points).
Boiled Crab Legs (1 Servings)
discovered by Joyabells
Rather a pain in the tail to crack open, but delicious once you get there.
Requires: At least 2 Crab Legs, 1 Herb and 1 Butter to make.
Effect: +0.1 Fishing and +10 Attack.
Breakfast Delight (2 Servings)
discovered by NamesisWolf
A wonderful breakfast that every vesper needs in the morning. It radiating enough warmth that you could almost swear that Edel's love was coming into physical being. That is, her love for cooking.
Requires: 3 Eggs, 2 Meats, and 1 Herb to make.
Effect: +30 Health Restore and 50% chance of +10 Defense.
Cinnamon Muffins (1 Serving)
discovered by tarynsgate
A dozen muffins that leave the entire bakery smelling of cinnamon. A rather pleasant aroma wouldn't you say?
Requires: 1 Wheat or Flour, 1 Egg, and 1 Cinnamon to make.
Effect: +20 Health and Baker’s Aroma Effect.
Crispy Mush (1 Serving)
discovered by 40mg
You aren't sure what went down in the kitchen, but what came back was not what you had wanted... It doesn't look edible, but maybe you can try anyways?
No specific ingredients required, but is the result of a Failed Recipe.
Effect: 50% chance of Food Poisoning (-5 Health Depletion), 50% chance for +5 Health Restore.
Dark Walnut Wings (2 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
A wonderful set of bird parts seasoned with fruit and vegetables and black walnut that makes you feel light on your feet.
Requires: 2 Bird Parts, 2 Fruits or Vegetables and 1 Black Walnut to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore and Air’s Grace Effect.
Elderberry Jam (1 Serving)
discovered by NamesisWolf
An absolutely delightful spread to go on biscuits, toast, or anything you may want really! Edel suggests just eating it straight up but you're sure it would taste better on something else.
Requires: 3 Elderberries to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore and 25% chance of +0.1 Exploring.
Fish Chowder (2 Servings)
discovered by 40mg
Mm! Nothing better than fresh fish and ooey gooey potato!
Requires: 2 of Any Fish and 1 Wild Potato to make.
Effect: +40 Stamina Restore and 20% chance of +10 Attack.
Fruit Jam (1 Serving)
discovered by 40mg
A fresh berry spread, if only you had something to spread it on...
Requires: 3 Different Berries to make.
Effect: +10 Stamina Restore and +20 Health Restore.
Hearty Stew (2 Servings)
discovered by anabiosis-ARPG
It's almost like a thick gravy rather than a stew, but still delicious!
Requires: 1 Bone, Meat Hunk and 1 Vegetable to make.
Effect: +25% Health Restore and 10% chance of +10 Total Health.
Jug of Apple Smash (3 Servings)
discovered by ARSwinton
A wooden jug of apple juice and pulp, just the right amount of refreshing beverage!
Requires: 3 Apples to make.
Effect: +30 Stamina Restore and 25% chance of gaining +1 Luck.
Juicy Roast (2 Servings)
discovered by STTMARTS
Slow-roasted and delicious, this is just the filling meal for a long journey.
Requires: 1 Meat Hunk, 1 Wild Potato and 1 other Vegetable to make.
Effect: 25% Health Restore and 75% chance of +0.1 Exploration.
Mashed Potatoes (2 Servings)
discovered by jrusti
Whipped up to make a creamy mash, goes well with some salt.
Requires: 3 Wild Potatoes to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore.
Nut n' Berry Bread (1 Serving)
discovered by STTMARTS
Hardy and full of interesting texture, spread with jam it makes an excellent breakfast.
Requires: At least 1 Black Walnut and 2 Berries to make.
Effect: 25% Stamina Restore and 10% chance of +0.1 Scavenging.
Ocean's Bouillon (3 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
The Ocean is at your fingertips! Having had to endure the hardships of crackling waves you can only hope to be more resilient to the rest of the world too.
Requires: 2 Herbs, 3 Different Fish, and 1 Bone to make.
Effect: 50% chance for +0.2 Fishing and Ocean’s Persistence Effect.
Poppy Seed Muffins (2 Servings)
discovered by tarynsgate
A dozen muffins that would put even a grandma’s cooking to shame, or so Edel likes to claim.
Requires: Wheat or Flour, Poppy Seeds, and 1 Egg to make.
Effect: +20 Health Restore and Baker's Aroma Effect.
River King Salmon (1 Servings)
discovered by awolfpup
A dozen muffins that would put even a grandma’s cooking to shame, or so Edel likes to claim.
Requires: 2 Salmon and 2 Herbs to make.
Effect: +5 Total Stamina and 40% chance of +10 Luck.
Salmonberry Tier Cake (3 Servings)
discovered by STTMARTS
An elaborate cake in three parts.
Requires: At least 2 Salmonberries and 1 Berry to make.
Effect: +50 Health Restore and 50% chance of +0.1 Exploration.
Seaside Omelette (1 Serving)
discovered by tarynsgate
A taste of the sea... and eggs.
Requires: 2 Fish and 1 Egg to make.
Effect: +10 Stamina Restore and 25% chance for +0.1 Fishing.
Shimmering Cupcakes (2 Servings)
discovered by tarynsgate
You're not sure about eating glitter ...
Requires: 1 Wheat, 1 Vanilla and 1 Thrush Egg to make.
Effect: +10 Total Health and 20% chance of +15 Luck.
Soft Shelled Eggs (1 Serving)
discovered by Trip3of3
A small plate of leathery eggs that seem quite dull from the outside. Inside however is nothing but slimey goodness.
Requires: At least 3 Turtle Eggs to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore and 25% chance for +0.1 Fishing.
Stuffed Stursnashark (1 Serving)
discovered by lighteningfox
We're not even going to talk about whatever this is.
Requires: At least 1 Sturgeon, 1 Shark, 1 Snapper and 2 Fruits or Berries to make.
Effect: Sea Sickness Effect.
Sparkling Withers (1 Serving)
discovered by NamesisWolf
Having been given ingredients that were long overdue Edel seemed to try and make something but, it didn’t turn out too well and she tried to cover it with crystals, as if that would help.
Requires: Anything with Withered Mushrooms to make.
Effect: +Food Poisoning (-5 Health).
Sweet Butter Cake (2 Servings)
discovered by Joyabells
A sweet treat that needs just the right set of passion to give off the most irresistible scent in all of Attica.
Requires: Butter, Flour, Sugar and any Egg to make.
Effect: +10 Total Health and 20% chance to gain a Skill Point.
Sweet Finch Stew (1 Serving)
discovered by SCP-3000
A sweet stew made of leftovers! Preferably Finch, but Edel will make it work with anything really.
Requires: 1 Bird Part, 1 Fruit and 1 Vegetable to make.
Effect: +20 Health Restore and 15% chance of +10 Total Stamina.
Tentucky Fried Chicken (2 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
That.. That isn’t chicken, but its still Finger Lickin Good.
Requires: 3 Wings to make.
Effect: 20% Health Restore and Air’s Grace Effect.
Triggerfish Soup (2 Servings)
discovered by NamesisWolf
What a colorful soup, you would never have expecting for Triggerfish to actually work in a soup, let alone with turtle eggs. Yet despite its questionable looks, it's a delicious meal.
Requires: 1 Triggerfish, 1 Egg and 1 Vegetable to make.
Effect: +20 Health Restore.
TunaBara Sushi (2 Servings)
discovered by lighteningfox
Somewhat odd looking sushi as you look down at it. Fruit in sushi? Only at Edels...
Requires: 1 Tuna, 1 Barracuda and 1 Fruit to make.
Effect: +10 Stamina Restore and 25% chance of 0.2 Fishing.
White Wine Mussels (1 Serving)
discovered by tarynsgate
A simple meal best served with garlic bread, if Edel ever has some on hand anyways.. Having been dipped in a white wine sauce this meal has a most delicate taste.
Requires: 3 Mussels to make.
Effect: +20 Stamina Restore and 25% chance of +0.1 Fishing.
Woodsman's Stew (2 Serving)
discovered by lighteningfox
You have certainly learned the way of the wood, and it shows - you can use every part of your hunt for this delicious meal!
Requires: 3 Different Meats, 1 Bone and 2 Apples to make.
Effect: +0.1 Hunting and 50% chance of earning a Skill Point.
Meat Hunk + Salmonberry (x2)
discovered by Chewtora.
Bitterling + Wild Potato (x2)
discovered by 40mg.
Thrush Egg + Bali Cherry
discovered by tarynsgate.
Salmonberry + Apple + Turtle Egg