
written by Trip3of3 and wrensghost, art by Banzz

territories in bold indicate claimed locations.
Edibles: Snakes, Scorpions (ouch), Burrowing Owls, Rodents, Foxes, Succulents, Cacti.
Primary Activity: Hunting (+1)
Difficulty: Moderate. (100 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 1.)
Other: Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 100 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 200 Attack or Defense.
Past staggering cliffs of red dirt and strange minerals, the ground dropped. And dropped, and dropped, and dropped - and far below, where few dare to reach, one can see yellowed grasses and crooked trees, harsh shrubbery unfit for most of anything. The cliffs dip and rise, making traveling in a straight line in any direction a task. And there's no telling what's just over the rise. Against the cliff sides and burrowed into the hills are dozens of tiny caverns, and some claim to have seen smaller paw prints. How strange. Surely no one lives out here?
While normal Vespers would have trouble getting by on the daily, their smaller counterparts - Bat Eared Pygmy Vespers - are much better off. Separated from the rest of civilization by their own choice, they adapted remarkably to the environment. These Vespers are highly equipped to handle arid climates and are generally nocturnal. Their large ears help with navigation and dispelling heat, and their small size should not be underestimated. The tough creatures carved their civilization into the cliffs around them, where the temperature remained the same year-round and where they could form small family groups, linked together by smaller tunnels. Only these small creatures know the secrets of their civilization, and they intend to keep the best parts of it to themselves.
Water-Bound Cavern: Found deep within the Wilds's underground cave systems, near the end of an ever-shrinking tunnel, visitors will come across a large cavern that is too beautiful for words. Large lakes shimmer with the light of a cracked ceiling, and all around them you could see the small dwellings of the native Pygmy Vespers. Thousands of fish, including tadpoles and other strange species, litter the water, but high above you noticed bridges that crisscross through throughout the the cave. This is the secret city of the Frayed Wilds - the place the Pygmies have called home for generations.
Dead Man's Rest: In the center of the Frayed Wilds lies a large expanse of empty land filled with nothing but cracked stone. No matter where you go, there's no shade to be found, no water or plant life, and no animals of any kind -save for scorpions with deadly stingers or the bones of some unlucky creature. As soon as you enter the expanse, everything seems to grow hotter - as if that was possible - and the sun beats down mercilessly. Nightfall, however, brings a contrasting danger, where the once sun-baked earth and air becomes as chilled as ice. It's said that the heat here causes many to hallucinate and chase after things that don't exist, leading them to run in circles until Dead Man's Rest takes their lives.
The Behemoth's Halo: At the eastern corner of the Frayed Wilds lies a large string of canyons that had kept the region isolated from the rest of Attica for decades. The cliffs rise high into the air and were practically unreachable, but now a large hole knocked out of the side provides a decent passageway. The large cliffs reach up on either side surround the path that connects Northern Attica to the Frayed Wilds. When the Behemoth, now a legend, had first broken through, it's rumored that the light of the sun had shone through the broken rocks and illuminated the monster's head in a way that reminded many of a Halo. Thus, Vespers chose to name the great channel after the Behemoth, honoring the giant whose life was ended here, but whose death started a new life and journey for so many others.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
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