
written by Trip3of3, art by Banzz
territories in bold indicate claimed locations.

Edibles: Songbirds, Waterbirds, Owls, Rodents, Fish,
Primary Activity: Exploring (+1)
Difficulty: Moderate. (100 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 1.)
Other: Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 100 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 200 Attack or Defense.

Ethereal Lake: Past the shifting trees, the sinister mist and the deadly drop-offs, an atmosphere of tranquility sits in relative silence. Dubbed the Ethereal Lake by those who are permitted to visit, the Wood does not allow mere visitors to discover it, but only those it deems worthy by whatever rules it follows. Worthy Atticans come across a large, peaceful lake with massive koi fish drifting through the water, and although they may be caught, they may not be caught in excess. A gentle mist sits over the lake, and one can observe the forest changing around them by the second, protecting the area from the unworthy. Oddly enough, the worthy do not feel compelled to describe the exact scenery to outsiders, leaving most in the dark about the landmark aside from its name.
Grove of Ancients: A mess of eroded, moss-covered statues resembling the Cavern of Kings in Devil's Ribcage, the Grove of Ancients has no reason to be. One takes the shape of Somnis's image; another could be a Vesper; a third is unrecognizable. Some have taken this to mean a mysterious deity, possibly akin to Halicaecus, inhabits dark wildernesses across Attica and chooses to lurk here, but others either shrug the thought off or completely deny the claim. For all the modern Atticans know, the Everchange Wood has been untouched by civilization for all its history, but the forest does have its secrets.
Entangled Pass: This would be one of the most stable crossings in the Everchange Wood, as the land itself doesn't seem to change like the other landmarks. Except the plants do move. Vespers tread this path with caution and on high alert, as the vines hanging from the trees and laying on the ground tend to spring to life when life is present, clinging on and never letting go. If they learn how to retrieve items from the Pass without getting ensnared themselves, Vespers and other predators will use the vines to claim recently captured prey. Not all scavengers, however, leave at all, let alone with a meal.

quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
"Hey! Hey you! Yes you! Come over here!" A small Vesper were to call out to you. Large goggles were covering their face and they were loaded with different packs, vials, and all around oddities, to the point where you couldn't help but wonder how they were still walking. "Have you heard of the Everchange Woods?? About their magic and how they really are everchanging? You know.. I've spent a long time researching for a reason and I am sure that some ancient creature had its hands in this! That MUST be it! Please, guide me into the woods. No one believes me yet - but I will show them!! I I will find proof for it!
"Oh? Why I don’t go alone?... Wellllll...i-it’s not because I’m scared or something! Oh Somnis, no. It’s just..." Their voice trailed off as they abruptly shook their head, abandoning their attempt to explain. "No time for explanations! Let’s go!"
Depict your Vesper guiding the Alchemist through the Everchange Woods in search of this ancient creature. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
Once you have completed this Region Quest, please visit the Quest Board and reply to this comment.


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