
General Markings
General Markings are free, which means you can use them on any Vesper. These markings add extra flavor to designs that might otherwise be lacking. You are not required to use any of these, as they are completely optional.
Please do not write these into your Vesper's genotypes when submitting for approval! You don't need to write them down, as they are not genetic.
Eyes & Pupils
A Vesper's eyes can be any color, and the pupil may be any natural shape - pupils should not resemble any symbols or defined, unnatural shapes, and pupils should always be visible and easy to differentiate from the Vesper's iris.
Pupils may not be the same color as a Vesper's iris, and the lineart of the eye should still be clearly visible.
You may remove the pupil on your Vesper, but it will be considered born blind, unless removed via Mystical Ink.
You may add as much shading and highlights to your eyes as you'd like!

Please note that while we are very open to fantasy themed eyes, we do not allow funky unnatural shapes or pupil-less eyes. If you insist on making your Vesper pupil-less, we will label them as officially blind, which can have some detrimental effects.

Nose, Inner-Ear, Pawpads, & Nails
A Vesper's Nose, Inner Ear, Pawpads, and Nails can be any natural color (grey, pink, black, white, cream, dirty browns), a Vesper's base coat color, a lighter or darker shade of the base coat, or any color found on the Vesper (excluding eye-color.)
Some natural freckling and spotting texture can be added to all of these parts of a Vesper!
Some light shading is allowed within the inner-ear.
As you can see below, natural light and dark colors are allowed on Vesper ears and noses! Pinks, blacks, grey, browns, etc are all allowed. Hues that are a darker or lighter version of the base coat are also allowed! Please note that overly bright hues that deviate away from the base coat too drastically may be declined. Use your best judgement!

Spotty texturing can also appear on the ears and nose, as long as it looks natural! An example can be found below. Shading and rendering of the ears and nose are also allowed.

What's not allowed??

We don't allow unnatural colors. The Vesper depicted is a brown color, so it's ears should not have any unnatural color. The blue shown would not pass, even though the Vesper's eyes are blue! You can not use a Vesper's eye color as a base for the ears and nose. Exceptions would be for obviously legal colors, such as browns and pinks.
HOWEVER we do allow markings to affect the color of all of these.
Common-Uncommon markings can allow for unnatural colors, in VERY DESATURATED hues.
Rare-Mythic markings can allow for unnatural colors in SATURATED hues.
Here we have an example with the common gene COMET (on the face.) As you can see, the first example is too saturated and unnatural. The second example is desaturated enough, and would be passed!