
Tattoo-like bands that cross through the fur of the legs and tail.
Only affects the legs, ears, and/or tail.
Always a darker or lighter hue of the base coat, or black, or white.
Always at least two bands must be shown.
Must be visible above or through other gene.
Must never be broken. In other words there should not be breaks in the bands, each one should form a complete bands.
May be straight, angled, or slightly rounded.
May be hard, soft, or fur edged.
May have texture, but only fur texture to help blend it into the coat. The bands must still read as the gene. Be careful!
Edges Allowed

Banded must show up in the blue areas only.


Hard Edged Soft Edged Fur Edged

Please note that if you wish to add fur texture to the edges of Banded, the gene should still read as tattoesque bands! They should not look like stripes. This is a careful balance that requires some attention to detail.
User Examples
Here are examples of player owned Vespers who have the gene Banded!
These designs have other genes as well.