
written by Trip3of3 and wrensghost, art by Banzz

territories in bold indicate claimed locations.
Edibles: Wurms (why would you ...), Bats, Cave Serpents, Lost Cavers, Glowworms, Withered Mushrooms, Cavefish.
Primary Activity: Spelunking (+1)
Difficulty: Moderate. (100 Attack or Defense Recommended, Specific Activity must be at least Level 1. ex. If Fishing, Fishing must be at least Level 1.)
- Players have a 75% chance of being randomly attacked if below 100 Attack or Defense. Lowered to 10% if over. 0% if 200 Attack or Defense.
- Vespers must have either a Rusted Lantern equipped or know the skill 'Light of Torona' to venture here.
The quickest way to the tangled mess are the mine shafts of Wormwood themself, although it is said that the roots of the ancient Sanctuary are a quick back way to the Spirit Pools. The caverns themselves vary - some so large that not the brightest light will reach all corners at once. Others are narrow crevices, leaving those that dare to explore them scraping their flesh on all sides against old rock. Ruins of something else are pressed into the wall - enormous faces, sculptures of gods and heroes long forgotten. There are no true structures remaining here, merely rubble and the vaguest idea of a frame carved in stone. This is Devil's Ribcage, and it's not for those who enjoy the light of day.
Those who live here know the tunnel system like the back of their hand (or paw). They have to—getting lost is easy, while finding your way around is not. The inhabitants tend to settle down in Wormwood but come here often, usually in search of either wurms to fight, food to eat, or precious metals to mine. Because the minerals here are so valuable and are accessible nowhere else on the continent, many creatures make a living selling gems, rocks, ores, and the like. The inhabitants of Devil's Ribcage may live alone or in small families, but there isn't much room for personal space here - and most are too respectful to make a living much farther in.
Wormwood: Carved long ago out by miners and enormous beasts, Wormwood is an gaping cavern far below the surface of the earth, accessible only by confusing tunnels and treacherous drops. Marked by only a tiny outpost above, cave-dwelling Thalla hawk out carefully made maps and anxious warnings of death. The area has grown into a sprawling city, and many different races have called this place their home.
Lantur Mine: Adorned with many wooden support beams and flashes of metal gleaming from the rock walls in the right light, this long-abandoned tunnel has mostly been forgotten, except by the natives and a few explorers. It wasn't left abandoned because of lack of mineable resources or miners, no—safety became a huge issue. A large portion of the mine collapsed decades ago, causing several fatalities and the mine's closing. Still, there are many precious metals and ores to be extracted, and only the bravest of creatures take the risk.
The Wurm Nest: A massive cavern in Devil's Ribcage is inhabited by Wurms, and where there are Wurms, there are impulsive, immature Vespers on the search (or dare) for one of their scales. Most of these beasts sleep in this cavern, which is not far from Wormwood, known as The Wurm Nest. Although the dangerous creatures can be encountered almost anywhere in Devil's Ribcage, most of them rest here, and waking up one will wake up the rest. Be careful.
Spirit Pools: Deep in Devil's Ribcage lies a massive cavern filled with shallow cave pools. Formed over thousands of years from water dripping from stalactites, these water-filled discs make up the only adequate fishing location in the region. It isn't that hard to fish here because the pools are so shallow - the hard part is actually finding the fish. The little creatures are abundant but are spread throughout the cavern, and each pool usually only has a few fish. The fish in Devil's Ribcage have adapted to breathe air as well, and they often "walk" from pool to pool. Although the fish make great snacks, this area is not for the faint-hearted. Vespers have fled due to unexplained sounds and the manifestation of the occasional apparition.
Cavern of Kings: Devil's Ribcage is well-known for the carvings and statues that line the massive tunnels, but the most intricate series of carvings lies in the Cavern of Kings. Carvings line the walls and ceiling of the cave, and a sunken river lines each side of the large path through the cavern. Statues stick out of the river, depicting various races in different poses. Full-grown Vespers appear tiny compared to the size of the artwork here. A crack in the wall, wide enough for a Vesper to walk through, sits at the far end of the cavern, letting the light of the outside world pour in and illuminate the ancient works.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
Usually the tunnels of Devil's Ribcage hold the echoes of Wurms and the screeches of terrified Vespers, but lately more mysterious sounds have been resonating within the ears of Vespers and other races. Deep, rumbling sounds keep you and many others awake at night, and if it's some sort of Wurm, it has to be the biggest one yet. Is it a Wurm? A lost spirit, maybe? Or what if it's a forgotten deity who has been living here all this time? Whatever it is, the only way to find out is to look for yourself.
Depict your Vesper exploring the tunnels of Devil's Ribcage in search of the being behind the mysterious sounds. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
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