

written by Trip3of3 and wrensghost, art by Banzz
territories in bold indicate claimed locations.
Edibles: Carrion Fish, Amphibians, Some Mushrooms.
Primary Activity: Fishing (+1)
Difficulty: Easy.
Where brush and briar do not flourish on land, Vespers find themselves forced to wade through thick, tar-like mud. Water from beneath the earth has left the ground muggy and treacherous. Insects live in swarms, and the air itself is humid and miserable. However, strange plants and fauna can be found, and even stranger people live among the bog, making their way.
One of the favored rumors of the bog is that of the deity Halicaecus. Although the god is known ……………
The natives of Admiral's Bog likely chose the to live there for one of two reasons. First off, the bog is seen as an escape from civilization or the law; fugitives often hide out here. Those who aren't escaping punishments for their crimes, such as loners and solitary Vespers, find peace in the dark, murky environment. The other reason for living in Admiral's Bog is more religious; Halicaecus plays a huge role in the natives' lives. This deity is most often spotted here, and if the inhabitants aren't trying to leave civilization, then they're likely worshipping Halicaecus. Those who live in the bog are rarely friendly with each other, and most encounters end in serious injury or even death.
Admiral's Bog isn't famous for its landmarks, mainly because they're either dangerous or so hard to reach. They do play a valuable role in the swamp, however; specific landmarks attract different creatures, some with good intents, but usually bad. Halicaecus acts as the main deity in Admiral's Bog; he's always there, slinking around in search of those who are more…immoral. His energy can be felt everywhere, and this shapes all aspects of this massive swamp.
The Iree Tree: No one knows where this landmark got its name, but no one's asking either. Near the center of Admiral's Bog stands a massive tree with glowing stones embedded in the bark. The bark is so black that the roots seem to blend with the tar-like mud on the ground, which makes the stones even more stunning. The light that radiates from them is said to have magical properties, with the effects depending on the color of the glow. Blues and purples are more common, but occasionally the tree takes on red and yellow hues. The result is a stunning light show, and it's rumored that showing up on the night of the winter solstice will transfer magical powers to surrounding creatures. Getting there requires quite the effort, though, and many will say that the trip back is much tougher than the trip there.
Halicaecus's Shrine:
Terminal Pond: The big is mostly muck and who-knows-what, but there's one body of something that appears to be water. It's known as the Terminal Pond, most likely because if you wade too far in, that'll be the end of you. The "water" here is more like runny mud than anything else. This is where Halicaecus's wisps are most often seen, luring oblivious Vespers to their "watery" graves. Those who are brave enough to take a dip (and end up surviving to tell their tales) report feeling bones in the bed of the pond. Occasionally looters and thieves who are after possible treasures will take the risk, only to be sucked in themselves. Don't go here. It's not worth it.
Duskwalk: The mere mention of this place brings either fear or comfort, depending on who you are. Duskwalk is known as a dark, gloomy area where little to no light reaches the ground at all times. Most of it lies above the water, on dry land, where tree roots snake over the ground and thick vines cling to tree trunks. It's eerily quiet here - the vast majority of animal life avoids this place, and for good reason. Criminals, thieves, rogues, and other, less pure creatures, are often seen here, so it's best to avoid Duskwalk if you are pure of heart. It's the driest place in Admiral's Bog, though, so Vespers do run into each other every so often while trying to keep their paws clean. You should just hope the encounter is a pleasant one.
quests must meet Vesper-End submission guidelines. completed pieces may be submitted to the misc. quests folder. each quest can only be completed once per vesper. reward may vary depending on effort put into piece.
You've been assigned with a task but aren't sure what to do about it. Yeah, The Iree Tree does have pretty stones attached to it, and even though you've thought about paying a visit, the idea of actually stealing a stone had never crossed your mind. That was until another Vesper waved a pouch of coins in your face. The task? Head into Admiral's Bog, take a stone from The Iree Tree, and return with your treasure. Oh, and you were warned that there was only a 50% chance of getting lost on the way out. Only 50%.
Depict your Vesper attempting to retrieve one of the Iree Tree's glowing stones. Submission must meet our Submission Guidelines.
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